Thanks Ben. Good points but it is not what is happening here. This is tested on multiple machines and this can be re-created on any of different computers in our office. All other software, programs work great and no problems on any computers, no crashes, etc. This is an issue with Dreamweaver, we can prove. Since it is so hard to try show and/or explain and get Adobe help... (they basically take you through ALL the steps on the scripted problem solving...), I think I may make a short video clip and that might be the only way to get help. We can still work and get websites done, just by making sure the CSS Designer panel is not open when we close the final page. But is should be fixed, it is annoying and quite often we want CSS designer panel open, Code view etc., then you close your last web page, and it crashes DW.
Certainly this problem has made us waste precious company time on tracking down an issue that is in the program, and it does not help us at all except that we want DW to work really well so we can rapidly design/dev websites without crashing and tracking problems!
Here is scenario. It is easier to explain in person or on video but this is pretty close to how you can make it crash...
DW does not like something about Media Query code in CSS (even in a simple web page that was create directly from DW)
First... create a simple test responsive page, File New, use a responsive html page from the DW dialog box, DW builds the assets folder, and it includes the proper CSS files. We make NO changes or updates on the test page, simply let DW create it for you. Follow steps below and you can make it crash... so it is not a specific website we have built, you can make this crash even with a simple, clean test page built by DW. We have tracked it down to It is due to the media query inside CSS. If your remove all the media query code, it does not crash anymore.
- Open your TEST web page and put it into design view
- Make sure your CSS Designer panel open
- Open the CODE view at the same time either by menu choice or press F10
- So now CSS Designer panel is open, Design view is open, and CODE view is open...
- Close the HTML test page
- CRASH!!!
- If you want to see it not crash, take out all the media query code, then repeat steps 2-5, it no longer crashes when you close the final HTML page.
Important note: If you have multiple pages open, it does not crash closing one of those pages, it has to be the final page. So close the others, nothing happens, but when you close the last page open, CRASH...
So I think since this is such a specific sequence of events, many people do not hit it this exact way often and they do not see the problem. But if you do these specific items and are using media query / responsive website code, you can re-create it every time.