Hi Icg_2012,
People facing similar issue, posted following resolution in another thread recently.
Please give it a try and confirm if they work for you. (Third point looks most promising)
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I found a solution that worked for me.
I removed all the fonts that Adobe CC installed out of my Library:Fonts folder and just left in the Apple Basic fonts like Arial, Courier etc... Launched Dreamweaver CC and the CSS designer panel works. I have no idea exactly which font it is, or creating the conflict. All I know is that it works great now.
very strange-I installedIllustratorCCand thenI had nomore problems withDreamweaver! Nomorecrashes whencloseorcreatefiles andnomoreproblems with theCSSdesigner.Errormessages duringcreatefluidgridlayoutsarealsogone...
- Michel:
I think I figured it out on the Mac. Be sure that Verdana is activated in Font Book. What tipped me off to this was a warning I was receiving when trying to open After Effects. It was saying that the program needed Verdana for the user interface to work. I thought that maybe Dreamweaver needed Verdana too. Sure enough! Hope this helps you guys.