That sounds like a great idea mc_amessegu, but there are some things to consider...
1. Not all servers accept php, they accept standard html and asp.
2. In my case, and in most other cases, the crashes occur while using basic HTML and basic CSS
3. If the program crashes when using the more advanced css like bootstrap, then the PROGRAM is faulty.
We the people that pay good money should not have to "troubleshoot" for the multi-million dollar company that charges for BETA level software as if it were "Final Release" software.
The issue, for me, has been apparent across the last 4 to 5 versions of the software - CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2015.1 - yes even the latest version crashes, 10 minutes after updating/upgrading to 2015.1 AS INSTRUCTED BY ADOBE - I fired up the program, and it crashed before it even got started, it hadn't even completed loading the UI nor the welcome page. Adobe wants Crash Dumps on events like this but there was no crash dump, even though the crash dump function was set up by ADOBE when they had remote access of my computer.
I will repeat here what ADOBE do, they continually blame the users Computer - Lack of Ram, Lack of CPU capability, Lack of HDD space, yet my systems have all exceeded the minimum requirement. They blamed software conflict, they blamed coding error, they blamed certain fonts, they blamed antivirus, they blamed firewalls, they even had the hide to blame windows, yet there are users that have Apple computers, and they have the same issues.
How can an error (or issue) in coding cause the program, that does not rely on HTML or CSS to actually RUN, to crash, it is not logical. If anything a coding error will cause issues in the browser, NOT the software used to write it. I did check the code for errors in addition to using Adobe's own error checker and there were none anyway.
ADOBE will never admit that the fault is in Dreamweaver, nor will they admit that they are too inept to fix the issue.
I have had Windows xp, 7, 8, 8.1 and now 10 (both releases) and it still crashes
I have had 2.1 Ghz, 2.4Ghz, 2.8Ghz and now 3.6Ghz CPUs and it still crashes
I have had 4Gb, 6Gb, 8Gb and now 16Gb Ram and guess what IT STILL CRASHES
I have always had a minimum of 200gb SPARE HDD space, even now I have 340 Gb Free of 465gb and yep you guessed it "As Above"
I have eliminated every single crappy suggestion that ADOBE have made, hence why I call them inept.
4 years, 5 versions of Dreamweaver, 6 versions of Windows, 4 completely different computers/HDDS/CPUs/sets of RAM (all in my case) this has to point to the actual PROGRAM as being at fault.
We PAY to use the program and the we lose hours trying to use the FAULTY Program, and to add insult to injury, ADOBE get us to do their trouble shooting, and then when "SOME" issues may be fixed, they chest beat and ******** how good they are - no credit is given to the users who actually do the troubleshooting. To make matters worse, we cant seem to have adobe charged for the problems!
At one stage, before the subscription option was made available, ADOBE was charging Australians a minimum of 3 times more than people in the US and Europe - "Claiming" it was the "zone" we are in - what a load of BS!
The last completely trouble free Dreamweaver I used was in Studio 8 - oh wait that was before Adobe bought it out. Macromedia had it and it was a much more affordable product then as well without the "Penalty" of extra charges for the "Zone" we lived in. Macromedia charged the same price across the globe.
CS3 was ok but had some minor issues but nowhere near as bad as CS6 onward - even CS4 and CS5 did not have the amount of problems that CS6 onwards had/has.
I know I sound repetitive of my earlier posts but maybe if adobe sees it they might (sarcastic cough) take notice...
We should all band together and demand a full refund for the faulty software.... who is with me here???